Real Magic Ritual Copper Healing Wand

Copper Healing Wands

Right through mankind's history, copper has been connected with curing. Whenever it's implemented in conjunction with quartz crystal points, it transmutes into a potent Healing Copper Wand. Historic mankind respected copper as an incredibly important healing mineral, and also has for ages been employed as an effective curing mineral, notably for arthritis and rheumatism. Copper just happens to be considered to be a metal that bestows luck, possibly resulting from it's past solar connections, and therefore can be utilized in conjunction with just about any other sorts of luck giving gemstones and crystals for even more powerful rituals and spell casting.

It's accepted by many that copper can certainly exchange psychic and restorative healing energies between people, the spirit realm and also that it can help in amplifying thoughts when ever sending and receiving clairvoyant communications. A Wand can be used to enhance the 1st Chakra, which is the Root Chakra in addition to the 4th Chakra while preparing for meditating. Additionally, it can concentrate just about all varieties of powers.

If you find yourself wanting to improve the strength of crystals or gemstones, put them in or next to copper and their properties will become more strong. The same is true whenever copper touches your body, it is said to elevate the intensity of your own individual energies. Copper even enhances the effectiveness of silver, gold and other precious metals.

Below are some of the gemstones that grow to become powerful when positioned next to copper:


These Wands are somewhere between seven and a half inches to eight inches long in size and also have a quartz crystal ball at one end and a quartz crystal point at the other end. A silver band with genuine garnet gemstone inserts adorns each end of the Real Copper Healing Wand. These Real Healing Magic Copper Wands are hand made and may range in look and size.

Healing Copper Wands